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Matheson Barnson Weber Family

Archive of the collected pictures and documents of LaKay Weber's family. She as her parents collected documents from ancestral families as well as Cedar City history

The Kindex® system recognizes the following ā€œEā€ Dates in this Archive:
each afternoon
each day
each day of the year
each hour of the day
each Memorial Day
each month
each night
each spring
each week
Earlier in the year
earlier that morning
early - 9:15
early 1700 's
early 1870 's
early 1920 's
early 1930
early 1930 's
early 1940 's
early 1950 's
early 20th-century
early 30 ā€™s
early dawn
early day
early days
early days of 1850
early hours of the night
early in the
early in the evening
early in the morning
early morn
early one morning
Early Sixties
early spring
Early the next morning
early this morning
early to mid-20th century
early today
early twenties
early years
Easter Sunday
eight - thirty
eight - year - old
eight and ten years old
eight day
eight days
eight hour
eight hours
eight months
eight o'clock
eight o'clock in the evening
eight weeks
eighth month
Eighty - ninth
eighty - seven days
eighty - two
election day
eleven - thirty
eleven months
eleven o'clock
eleven years old
end of a day
end of another month
end of her sixth week
end of May
end of six weeks
end of that year
end of the 4th year
end of the month
end of the quarter
end of the week
end of the year
end of this month
Ev'ry night
evening of the 10th
evening of the 3rd Sept.
evening of the 4th
evening of the 7th
every day
every few minutes
every five minutes
every hour
every minute
every month
every morning
every night
every night of the week
every other night
every Sunday
every three hours
every week
every year
exactly 6 weeks
extra 5 minutes
extra hour